Hi dog friends!
On February 23rd, the 2025 edition of #the100daysproject started, and I decided to join with the daily dog drawings. I was about to finish one of the sketchbooks, so it felt like the perfect time to jump in.
Is anyone else joining with a creative project?
Since starting the daily drawings, I've experimented with different materials and paper types. Some worked excellently, and some added an extra challenge. For now, working with a fineliner and markers feels good since it works on most paper types, and it's not too difficult to carry around when I'm traveling.

I love sharing a new dog drawing every day, and I’d love to involve you all more in the process. Is that something you would like? Hit reply and let me know! It could be fun to make this more of a shared project.
While visiting Belgium recently, I felt very inspired by the comic book culture. I never thought about how much we Belgians love our comics until I moved to Sweden and all I could find was Kalle Anka (Donald Duck).
I bought a whole pile of old 2nd hand comics for 1EUR each, some graphic novels, and a few new comics. (I'm still hoping that one day I will find an old Robbedoes- “vallei der bannelingen”). In much of my illustration work, I rarely work with defined lines, so there is much to learn from the masters of comic books.

March the 3rd was a very special date: Mogwai's 12th birthday!
She visited a few special people in Belgium, went for beach walks, and got super delicious treats. (The others enjoyed all of this too, of course).
If you want more beach + puppy pictures: the blog. It was fun but also somewhat confronting to go back in time. Time has gone by so fast!
Our winter has been unusual with temperatures way above the average daily high for months. “Our” lake has never been properly frozen while most years the ice is thick enough to hold a plane (and cars, quads, snowmobiles,…)
Still, I checked off one bucket list item: ice skating on a frozen lake with the dogs!
I can't even remember the last time I went ice-skating so it must be well over 15 years ago- and that was an indoor skating rink.
You can probably imagine the Bambi-on-ice moments, with no idea how to stop, turn, or relax my muscles- so obviously this first session started without the dogs. By the end of the first session, I found some balance and rhythm, and with the sound of my skates scratching the surface, I could look at the mountains in the distance and enjoy the liberating sensation of sliding over a frozen lake.
For the 2nd session, my partner joined with the spark (kicksled) and Lizzie.
It was magical!

That's it for now, I wish you all a wonderful day!